The Secret Law Of Attraction | My Experience With It

The Secret Law Of Attraction

The secret law of attraction is a strange bedfellow. The mere concept seems impossible to the majority of people. The human race has been disconnected from their 6th sense, which is the thinking mind.From birth we have been taught that if we can’t see it, taste it, smell it, or touch it than it doesn’t exist. We have been trapped into a fixed and narrow paradigm of what reality is that most are hopelessly stuck forever. Akin to “The Matrix” the world is not as it seems. The average person you see in a Starbucks is trapped within an artificial paradigm that has been hoisted upon them without their knowledge or consent. They have been trapped into a weak mindset that serves a control system instead of their own life ambition. In fact, the system is so strong that most will never know the possibly of what could have been if only they were aware of their conditioning.

Conditioning comes in many forms most of which are unknown to the unwitting victim. Can these people be woken up from the dream world they perceive as real? The average people have been detached from nature and inserted into a digital artificial world that’s meant to shutter their potential.

The Law of Attraction and the world it opens up is the beginning of awakening. Once one comes to terms with the incredible power we posses inside they begin to actually live. They begin to live life on their own terms and create their own destiny. Many people will spend their entire existence and never come to terms with the power of this principle.

Now you may be asking, what is the process to achieving great riches. The first step is to trick your mind into believing you already have money. This may seem counterintuitive to some, but this is the process. By tricking your mind into thinking your already rich you essentially tell the universe to bring you those riches. The other key element to this formula is to set very large goals for yourself. That way even if you don’t reach your goal at least you got 1/2 way there which is big. For example, if you want to earn $100,000 in income per month in the next year than even if you only get half way there, you will still get $50,000 a month. The other reason setting very big goals is important is because this allows you think outside the box. You will never known what’s possible if you don’t reach for the stars. By setting big goals you also break through your own paradigms and limiting beliefs.

Since birth we have all been trained that we only have limited potential. All these paradigms that have been put into place are simply there to keep us down. The truth is everyone has unlimited potential and the only thing holding us back is our own ignorance. Studies show that we only use about 10% of our brain power. If we could harness even just 20% of the potential of our brain then we would be twice as smart. What would your earning potential be if you were twice as smart? The difference between where you are and where you could be is huge, and be reaching for the stars, even if you fail, you still have achieved greatness. Great business people for thousands of years has used the manifesting success principles to make billions of dollars.

If you dig deep into these people’s lives you will find that all great leaders and successful people have powerful mindsets. These mindsets tell them everyday that they will be successful and nothing can stop them. This mindset is developed through a number of techniques. The primary key is to change the way you think on a daily basis by removing fear, doubt, and worry from your life. These negative mindsets will only attract negative energy into your life. I recently read a book called “Conversations with the Devil” where they went into this subject in great depth.

The main point you should know is that any thought that involves any of those 3 negative emotions will not serve you in any way. Anytime you feel doubt, worry, or fear creeping in then you should change the subject in your mind. These are the devils tricks only meant to bring you down and never let you reach your true potential. Since I have been applying these principles into my life I have seen great results. I no longer fear any man and I feel that unlimited possibilities have opened up for me.

If your interested in learning more about the Law, I recommend reading the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill or visiting This book was written in the early 1900’s and is still relevant today. The biggest take away I want you to get from this blog is that if you want to grow rich, remove fear, and pursue your dreams boldly.

Thank you for reading!

Starbucks Gossip
There are so many places to start and so many things to talk about. This would be even better if I was in Starbucks right now writing this…it would make more sense!
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